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Patents & Intellectual Property

Dr. Parnell has served as an Expert for patent and intellectual property matters.  He has been retained by both Plaintiff and Defense with issues involving a variety of technologies including medical devices, medical equipment, consumer products, food processing & manufacturing equipment, and semiconductor test equipment.  His experience includes infringement, non-infringement, validity and invalidity issues.  Dr. Parnell has authored expert reports on these matters, and has provided deposition and trial testimony.  He has also participated in IPRs (Inter Partes Reviews) and authored IPR Declarations.

Dr. Parnell is a Stanford PhD and MSME in Mechanical Engineering and also a Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer in California. He is an ASME Fellow and an IEEE Senior Member. He has over 30 years of consulting experience and also University teaching experience.

A complete listing of litigation cases, reports, trial and deposition testimony is shown in the CV of Dr. Kim Parnell .

Excerpt of Parnell Patent Trial Direct Testimony



Excerpt of Parnell Patent Inter Partes Review (IPR) Declarations

MASTER - Parnell Declaration for SYSTEM CLAIM PETITION (CFR '882 IPR)_p1-2 MASTER - Parnell Declaration for METHOD CLAIM PETITION (CFR '882 IPR)_p1-2